Saturday, August 31, 2013


Carroll Class of 73 has always been known for "Friends for Life" and one of the closest classes in friendships. I am sure many of you still connect with classmates from our class and stayed friends for so many years. Looking back at our past "ten year" reunions, they have all been a huge success with great attendance and tons of fun. Reunion 40 won't be any less!

Finding our classmates has always been the hardest part of planning a reunion. I have been involved somehow with each reunion and can say first hand finding people and getting the word out is the biggest challenge. There are other challenges in reunion planning too like knowing how many to plan for especially when you have food to order in advance. 

Here are (3) THREE ways YOU can help us in making Reunion 40: Friends for Life a great event.

  • Spread the word to every alumni you are in contact with. We have (3) resources to help you spread the word. 
    • Our blog is, where you are right now.
    • Our registration web site is password is gotigers
    • Our email address is
  • Register for the reunion yourself and encourage others to register now as well. 
  • Make a donation to the event over and above your ticket price to help us offset all the costs.   
So, there you have it! Help us make our 40 year Carroll High School Class of 73 reunion one to remember. We already have so much planned that will make the weekend fun and exciting for everyone.

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