Alumni Memorials

It is with great sadness that we report these have passed away from our class over the years! Please send name and date corrections to! Please accept our sincere apologies if any of the names listed are incorrect or not deceased.

Deceased Carroll 73 Alumni  Updated 08/11/2022



Eloisa Ambriz
John Barker
Michael Bermes 2022
Steve Bull
Barbara Byrd McCarty
Sammy Callahan 1977
Joel Camponovo 2006
Jerry Chappell
Cindy Collins 2018
Eddie Chapa
Dale DeAtley 1976
Hal Eads 2003
Joe Freudiger
Nancy Gamble 2016
Velma Gonzales
Alfonso Garcia Aug 2021
Lupe Gonzalez July 2021
William "Bill" Green  March 2019
Cynthia Gutierrez July 2020
Dexter Hammock 1975
Vernon Hodge 2013
Johnny Hopkins
James Irwin 1977
Karen Keim 08/2022
Stephen Lambert
Chuck Laningham
Linda Magana July 2013
James Mandel 2016
Johnny Montelongo 1984
Leslie Neff
James Ochse 2002
Mike Pledger 1979
Mike Riggins ?
Robert Ruiz
Lonnie Robisheaux 02/2021
Tom Rodgers 2009
Danny Seago August 2013
Wayne Shambo 2008
Evan Schultz 2015
Lisa Summer Dec 1992
Diane Tunison 2004
Nelda Vallejo Aug 2022
Mitchel Vance 2007
Ricky Villarreal
Sarah Wilson 2004
Tommy Yarbrough 2011

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