Monday, July 30, 2018

When I'm 64 - Friends for Life

Some of us will be turning 64 this year so here is a tribute to you.  Click to hear  When I'm 64.
That's a Beatles classic for sure and was one of the most popular songs they recorded. Take a few minutes and listen to the words and see how well they fit us now. lol

Reunion 45 is approaching fast and will catch some of us turning 64. What a great way to celebrate by attending our class reunion this October. We decided on a mid-year event rather than waiting until the next 10 year reunion, which will be our 50th in 2023. We will just be shy of 70 by then. Now you know why we are doing Reunion 45.

So, lets get the party started and do a few things to get ready to celebrate Carroll Class of 73 Friends for Life Reunion 45. Step 1 - register on line and get your tickets. Step 2- reserve your room at the Seashell village Resort in Port A.  Step 3- spread the word to every alumni you are in contact with. Lets get as many as possible for the fun weekend.

Go Tigers
Your Reunion Committee

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