Wednesday, August 23, 2017

REUNION 45 is a repeat!

The results are in and....its a repeat of reunion 40! Thank you for taking the class survey for our upcoming reunion 2018. We got a lot of great input from class members as to what they would like for the next reunion. If you attend Reunion 40 then you know what an incredibly fun weekend it was. The committee received tons of compliments from last time. Here is where we are in the process.

  • Reunion Committee 40 re-upped and said yes to serving again. Of course we will need help from you
  • The location has been set but we are working with the Sandcastle Event Center on a date in October most likely
  • The big tent for the Friday beach party will be reserved
  • A DJ or live band will be booked. The survey was tied on those two things so the committee will decide.
  • Food vendors will be interviewed and selected.
As you can see it is already getting exciting for the event in 2018. The committee is pumped and ready to get in done.

Your Reunion Committee 2018
Rick Cadden
Jeff Watson
Nancy Cantu
Bob Church
Vickie Maxwell
Debbie Arnold

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