Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Reunion 40 A Huge Sucess!

If you missed this event, then you missed the mother of all reunions! Reunion 40 turned out to be a weekend full of fun with Class of 73 alumni all over Port A.

Many came in early on Thursday and left on Monday making the best of the time there on the beach. I saw alumni at the beach, in the lobby, driving beach carts, in the tent on Friday night, in restaurants, shopping, and at the main event Saturday night. What started out a casual get together on Friday night, ended up being a huge beach party with a big tent glowing in the night. I think the two night minimum stay at the condos turned our event into a "weekend" event instead of a one night thing.

The decor for the main event was incredible! It kept getting better and better as the day went Friday preparing. By the time Saturday night came the room looked like a beach club decked out to the max with real surfboards in every corner, live plants all around, tiki faces on the wall, and grass skirts around the tables. Vicki Watson chimed in with Nancy on site and those two; well you saw the room!

The band...well I must say the band was amazing and played the best classic rock songs of our era. At the onset of the very first song ( Old Time Rock and Roll) the dance floor stayed full the whole night with non-stop hits like Rocky Mountain Way, Wonderful Tonight, Take it Easy, Born to be Wild, and Cinnamon Girl. From the Allman Brother to Santana, they played it all! Yes it was a little loud, but we are getting older too!

This whole event I was amazed at the generosity of our class mates. They made donations, worked the registration table in shifts, greeted people at the door, tipped the bar, said thank you all the time, helped clean up after, and did whatever it took to make this weekend memorable. Way to go Class of 73!

Ok! I will admit this event took a lot of planning and a lot of work! But the committee became this incredible bond of classmates with the strongest desire for a great event I have seen. For eight months we emailed, called, texted, and planned until the last day before the event. There was never a time we did not get along! We all had a part and worked together! Rick Cadden was the tech man with on-line registration and the blog and communication and live entertainment guy. Jeff Watson and Bob Church were the Friday night tent guys. Nancy Cantu was the decor person. Vicki Maxwell was the name badge person and compiled the deceased alumni display. Debbie was our encourager and affirmation person. Bob was the t-shirt guy and resource guy and could get anything we needed. Then we all worked on details and implementation. I can't leave out my wife Becky who put up with me for 8 months talking about the reunion all the time and then running the name badge table and t-shirt sales all night long. What a team!

For me, it was over-the-top fun and the best reunion in our history! I just did not want to leave on Monday. At both the Friday and Saturday night events, the buzz in conversations was amazing. It was like we never left high school and picked right up where we left off. Old friendships were re-kindled and I am sure the stories of high school days flowed freely.

So, the question is how do we top this event? We don't! We just do it all again soon!

Comments? Discussion? What was your take on the reunion?

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