Thursday, March 7, 2013

A Time Capsule in a Box

Thanks to my wife for finding a box in the attic for me! Turns out we have been storing old items from the last reunion in 2003 all this time in our attic. Of course we have moved several times so that means somehow it got moved each time with all the other junk in our attic. lol.

I was like a little kid at Christmas opening presents! The box contained all the name badges we made with our senior picture on it; one new t-shirt, left over memory books, a few invitations, attendee list, the "Friends for Life" banner still usable, and a CD I had made with tons of pictures we put up on the screen during the reunion last time.

Becky and I sorted all the name badges and so many names came to life for me like where are all these people. It was fun recognizing peoples name and picture. I think we will use the old banner and just add to the bottom...ten years later! Can you believe we are celebrating 40 years of friendships? One thing the box did not have that I was hoping to find is the music CD we made with so many great songs from the 70's. I must have given the away for some reason.

Finding this box was like finding a time capsule buried for the past ten years in my attic. My wife knew right where the box was like she was just waiting for this time to come and surprise me. She really puts up with a lot especially during reunion years. That's all I talk about and work on for months every time in getting ready.

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