Saturday, February 23, 2013

Beach Memories of Padre Island

Our first week with open registration and e-payments was great with 24 tickets sold! That really helps the Reunion Team with making deposits and getting things firmed up. It looks like registration went smooth with no problems too! Ten years ago, and all the previous reunions as well, we had to open a PO box, a checking account, and mail out invitations by snail mail! Now it is 2013 and we are doing it all online and with e-commerce programs. Very cool right!

We are working on t-shirt logo and firming up the buffet dinner menu for Saturday night. Of course you have to have some seafood and maybe a little chicken or beef. Remember sand burgers and cooking out on the beach? Oh yeah! We are looking at doing that on Friday night of the reunion to bring back those fond memories of the beach.

Ok! Remember camping out on the beach in a tent and the grittiness and humidity and the wind? How did we put up with that crud?We loved it and did it all the time because that's just what you do at the beach. The Friday night and Saturday events are destined to bring back those good memories as well with a big tent on the beach.

Kick off your shoes and hang ten at the Big Tent during Reunion 40. Yes it very well could be windy, humid, and gritty, so get over it and come anyway. Everyone will be there!

Comments? Discussion? What are your beach memories?

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