Saturday, September 1, 2018

Reunion 45 Weekend Schedule Summary

Wowza! What a line up we have for you and now that we are on our way to 100 tickets sold, we can do what we planned all along. This is not just a meet and greet one evening event folks. This is a full blown weekend event full of fun. All this for $75 per person. Other reunions are charging $100 for just one night.We encourage you to stay at Seashell Village Resort and be right there for all the action the whole weekend. It is located just minutes from the main drag in Port A and right on the way to the beach outlet.

  Friday Night Beach Party 

  • Beach Tent on the beach (location TBA)
  • Water provided
  • Food provided (burgers and dogs or maybe pizza) chips and snacks
  • Music provided
  • Bonfire provided
  • BYOB


  • Meals together with your friends in Port A
  • Walk the beach
  • Rent a beach cart
  • Shopping
  • Read a book
  • Rent a bike 
  • Swim at the resort pool

Saturday Night Main Event Party

  • Live music by recording artist Jake Ward Band provided
  • Catered buffet with seafood and chicken provided
  • Incredible outdoor / indoor venue provided
  • Dance floor provided
  • Decorated venue provided
  • Outdoor kitchen and bar provided BYOB
  • Set ups provided
  •  Name tags provided
  • BYOB

Reunion 45 Friends for Life is Happening

We hope you registered for Reunion 45 "Friends for Life", because WE ARE GOING TO MAKE IT HAPPEN.

You did it Tigers. In just two weeks we went from 19 tickets sold to 68. Even though our goal is 75 tickets sold by Sept 1, we are going to make this happen anyway. How could we NOT after so much energy, fun, and excitement the past two weeks. The Reunion Team is blown away at how you responded and helped make this happen. THANKS SO MUCH Class of 73 Alumni!


Yes, we still need more tickets sold but more importantly, we want to see you there. It takes a lot of work and planning and funds to host reunions, but we can make it. We hope to have over 100 tickets sold by the start of the event knowing some will even pay at the door.

Seashell Village Resort still has 25 rooms left that are blocked out for our reunion. They will hold our block closed to the public until Sept 12. After that we lose our block and anyone can book them so dont wait too long to make your reservation. That way you can stay at the event site and make a weekend out of it.

Let's go Tigers, Lets Go!

The Reunion Team
Nancy Cantu
Debbie Arnold
Vicki Maxwell
Bob Church
Rick Cadden
Jeff Watson