Friday, November 1, 2013

Reunion 40 Memory Book Ordering

You may have been so excited and busy with the fun at Reunion 40, that you missed getting your picture taken by our event photographer and/or forgot to order your memory book. Earl Parr has shot all our reunions and does a fantastic job. In case you didn't notice, he was all around shooting pics of the event Saturday night. You are probably in there somewhere!

We committed to purchase a minimum of 40 of the awesome memory book Earl and the committee will be creating in the next several weeks. He received orders for 33 at the event so we need 7 more of you to make a purchase. The cost is just $20 for a lifetime of memories with quality pics of the best reunion yet. If you don't buy them, the committee will be billed for the remaining 7 needed to fulfill our commitment.

Don't miss the great opportunity to remember a great event! Order yours today by calling Earl Parr at 361-980-0991 or look him up at Thank you so much!